So, we started with a farm.
We were lucky to find Matt and Sara Williams, regenerative farming leaders, who harvest hundreds of acres of organic wheat for us in Linneus, Maine. They grow healthy wheat again – without pesticides and with sustainable crop rotations that build strong soil. They are awesome partners - and truly care about our health and the planet.
Then, we built our first stone mill.
We commissioned a mill from Andrew Heyn, the only stone mill builder in the United States, so we could stone-grind our organic wheat into the fresh, nutritious, flavorful flour that goes into all of our delicious products. We built 3 more mills in 2020 and will be keeping Andrew busy making more in communities across the US as we grow.
We started baking with this fresh-milled flour - and guess what?
Not only did fresh-milling keep in MORE fiber, protein and nutrients compared to factory flour - but the food tasted ridiculously good! Check out what our fans have to say on social - our bagels, tortillas, and pretzels - are simply, better.
We’re putting the B in Baking.
We’re proud to be a certified B-Corp which means that we’re a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit. We're committed to growing more organic wheat acreage, building more stone mills, feeding our local underserved communities, and creating quality careers for every team member (in fact, all of our employees become owners after 1 full year). And we measure our impact on the world, our communities, and our team.